Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Today I begin. Another blog, another day, another dollar. I'm sitting in a very cool coffee shop in Ft. Collins, CO sipping my Americano, trying to enjoy the calm, you know, the calm before the storm .

Six months ago my husband was abruptly laid off. We were living in Los Angeles, CA yet we had been contemplating a move ever since we adopted our nine year old son, Michael a year prior.

Crazy Hair Day!!!!

His biological siblings live in Ohio, so we thought we'd start heading East...we just didn't know it would come so soon. If you know me, you are aware that I'm a gypsy. I've moved around 15 times, living in at least a half dozen cities all over the U.S. so it will come as no surprise, we stopped off in Colorado.
 I couldn't just go to Ohio right out of the shoot? How much fun would that be? Actually, we thought about relocating there permanently but then, changed our minds. Don't get me wrong, it has been such a treat being in this beautiful state but the call of cheap real estate and my entire family....immediate and extended, beckoned, so we answered the call.  My husband, Sam's parents live here...and they have been a tremendous help with Michael and just a great support system so leaving isn't easy.

But...I got this picture last night....

Yes, a picture of some yucky looking hardwood floors. To some this is nothing, to me...it's a dream come true!! 5 days ago, one of our tenants moved out of our duplex located in the historic neighborhood of German Village, Columbus, Ohio, and my brother in law hit the ground running, tearing up old linoleum floors, in hopes of striking gold. Hardwood, that is. So...this little find is going to save us about a 1000 dollars in tile, yippie!!

So, what does this have to do with anything? Well, next week we leave Colorado, the following week we begin the process of recreating our lives! Dramatic, huh? After being away from home, a little town of about 20-thousand, I'm returning and we are going to renovate a rental property, sell it, then use the money to renovate a 120 year old property. Crazy...yes. Doable-yes.

I'll be talking about life in general, all of the things we learn while renovating and moving from a city of 12-million to a little town of 20-thousand, thus the caption, Recreating life, love and home. 

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