Friday, December 19, 2014

Today is the beginning of a new blog. I wrote my first entry months ago but decided I would be just too overwhelmed with all of the projects that I had in my bag to start writing, so I saved it for a later date-thus, today.

You can go to my first blog entry if you'd like a little background on me and my family but if's a little synopsis. My husband, son and I just moved to my hometown of about 20-thousand people in rural Ohio, after living in Los Angeles. Ok-the sound of that may make some of you cringe but we've made it work and we've had a good time doing it! All of my family live here and the real estate is  reallllllllyyyyyyyy cheap!! Speaking of real estate-that's a good segueway into our latest adventure-renovating a 120 year old Victorian! Most of my writings will be real estate related. How to find to fix it or how to give it some umph!! We have renovated several properties and I hope to give you advice on what to DIY and what to hire out. I've also sold real estate and I do believe I've found the golden ticket when it comes to buying cheap. That's a lesson in and of itself...but I digress. The pictures listed here are some "before" photos and in the future I'll be breaking down each room, what we did to it, how much it costs, some tips and tricks to making it fabulous all while encouraging you to keep at your own project!
I am an old house enthusiast as well as a modern design maven. I love the juxtaposition of old and new but I  I could also see myself living in a super barren high rise on the beach with concrete floors and, everywhere glass! Actually, in a previous life my office was exactly that-modern, stark, bright and oh so beautiful!! It sat on the board walk of Venice Beach, CA and every morning I'd get my coffee and sit at my desk watching the dolphins. It was glorious!! The picture below was taken from the "upper" deck. I can't find any pictures of the interior...but it was cool. If you've ever visited Venice Beach, serene,would not be one of the words you would use to describe it-crazy is a better adjective but high atop my office, all of the madness below was never seen. Ok...enough reminiscing! Welcome!! Come back soon-I'll be getting down to business!

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